I've been published!

I got my two cents into the Chicago Tribune! :)

"Jonathan Erber of Harvard, who in August converted his 1993 Chevrolet diesel pickup to also run on vegetable oil, prefers Chinese restaurants. "I get higher performance from their peanut oil. I barely touch the pedal and it gets up to 60 [m.p.h.]," he said. "When I see a Chinese restaurant now, I go there."

If you'd like to read the whole article, click HERE.


Hey everyone! This Thursday, May 22nd at 7pm the RVC Chamber Singers and Women's choir are giving a concert at Zion Lutheran Church in Rockford. This is the last concert that we are giving this semester, and possibly my last concert with them ever!

Hopefully you can make it! If you have any questions please let me know! I believe there is no charge. I think it's a benefit concert for something in Rockford.

WVO Progress... Settling Tank

Hey everyone! Now that I'm out of school I'm getting back to rebuilding my Waste Vegetable Oil system (that for many reasons has sat dormant during this past semester). Today I worked on building a much higher tech version of the settling tank than what I had before. Here are some shots of today's work:

Here is the settling tank. As you can see, I have wrapped the lower half of this tank with heating wire. This heating wire is designed to warm up the vegetable oil, consequently lowering the viscosity of the oil and accelerating the settling process. During the settling process large contaminants and some moisture separate from the oil. As you can see, the spout that I have coming out of the side of the tank is some distance from the bottom. This allows the large contaminants (French fries, peanuts, cabbage, etc...) to collect at the bottom of the tank without clogging the filters during the filtration stage.

Here is some heating wire set into groves that I have cut into a piece of 3/4" foam board insulation. This is what the tank sits on, consequently heating and insulating the bottom of the tank.

Here is where I finished up today. As you can see I have insulated the outside of the barrel, as well as built the mounting plate for the pump which is also in the picture.

The next step will be mounting the filters and connecting all the PVC. Then this setup will be ready to roll! :)

I am going to try and continue updating this blog with my progress as I completely rebuild my WVO setup. Also, stay tuned and hopefully when I re-install the conversion on my truck, I will be able to put up a step by step video! :D We'll see.


Well, almost :) My finals are all done, and it's just the fun stuff that's left! Like a Chamber Singers tour, final concert, and two papers. Hahaha....

5 down, 3 to go

Today I wrapped up two more finals! :) I now have five down and only three more to go!
Also, today I think I realized I'm really going to miss certain parts of school. :/


Yes indeed, today was the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Now it's just on to finals...

Gotta go study! Bye!