RVC Chamber Singers

I thought you all might like to see a picture of the RVC Chamber Singers (I'm at top left). We got this picture taken last Sunday in front of 2nd Congregational Church. Two special people to note are: Mr. Laprade our director at front - far left, and Carol Ostrom our accompanist at front - far right.


The VHS said...

Very Nice picture. The outfits are great; so fancy! ;)

We know the three homeschoolers.
Luke G.
Andrew M.
Marilee S.

What a small world.
We will have to come and hear you some time; that would be SO fun.

Unknown said...

I didn't know Marilee was homeschooled, but there sure are a lot of homeschoolers at RVC!

Two other homeschoolers in Chamber Singers are Luke B. and Anna (not sure on the last name but I think it starts with a Z).

It's amazing how many other students there are homeschooled also!