Um, Hello?!?

Yes, I am still alive - but just barely! I've been swamped with school stuff (lots of music), and haven't really had time for anything other than that.

Liberty Day was a couple weeks back, which went very well! I personally had a lot of fun and I hope all the attendees were blessed.

(Click HERE, HERE, HERE, or HERE to see pictures)

On the car front, things haven't been going too well at all. A 1988 s10 pickup that I had blew a head-gasket a week and a half after I got it (I didn't lose anything on that, but I sure didn't make as much as I wanted!). Overall it was definitely worth getting the truck. It was a lot of fun driving around in a beater with that much guts, and let me tell you, that thing had guts!

My 1994 Hyundai Elantra GLS has been one problem after the next.
1: Due to some bad idle speed sensors I had to get those replaced.
2: Due to a tiny hole in the block and a jumped timing chain I had to get the engine replaced.
3: Due to a bad computer the car wouldn't start and the computer had to be replaced.
4: Due to the new computer I can now read all the codes and see everything else that is wrong with my car. Grr...
5: Due to a bad air-flow sensor I had to get that replaced.
6: Due to the fact that I was told I could pick up my car today from the shop, I drove 50 minutes just to find out that it wouldn't be ready until tomorrow.

Would somebody please accidentally run into my car so that your insurance will replace it?!?!

We'll see what tomorrow holds...

(Ok, that's not actually my car - mine is bright red, but that is what it looks like when I'm driving! ;-)


Webb Family said...

Cool car!

Anonymous said...

Not as cool as a Geo Metro, now is it.