Random Photo of the Random Moment: Caleb MacDonald

Hey Caleb, I would have thought that an earring like this one would be slightly out of your character, but as they say, seeing is believing!

Actually, in absolute honesty (for those who weren't there), this was a bit of trick photography on my part. Caleb was telling a very interesting story, and Joseph was twirling the chain. Meanwhile, I was standing there with my camera, and just so happened to snap the picture just at the right (random) moment!

Sorry Caleb, I just had to post the picture. It was great seeing you last weekend, and hopefully we will meet up with your family again sometime soon.

More to come about last weekend's trip to Houston later.

Six Flags Great America!

September eighth found most of our family (Dad, Joseph, Joanna, Josiah and I) at Great America for their annual Homeschool Day. There were also a few of our friends from our church there. These included the Webb, Englund, VonHolten, and Carlson Family. Below are a few photos from the day.

The first ride of the day was Super Man! The lines are reputably long for this ride, so we hit it right away. I rode it with Aaron Englund who waited back with me in the line for the front row. Luke VonHolten, Dustin Webb, Anna VonHolten and Joanna Erber decided the wait was too long, and jumped the rope and headed for the back rows.

Next was Raging Bull! I only hit this one three times, but I got some pretty cool video footage on the last time. I might be able to post that later.

Throughout the day got my nerve up for the Giant Drop. This ride is just a tall pole that drops your bench about 250 feet free fall, and then grabs you for the last 50 feet. Aaron Englund was the one responsible for getting me to ride this.

Well, I didn't think I'd survive that ride, but I did. As a matter-of-fact I went three more times, and brought Mrs. Webb and Dad along two of the times.

Stay tuned as I'll try to get some video footage from Raging Bull up later.

ICHE's 2005 Father/Son Retreat

Lately I have been very busy working with Jeremy on an addition that he has just started building on a customers house, practicing the Piano, selling various items via ebay, and also (best of all) ICHE's 2005 Father/Son Retreat held at the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum in Kentucky.

Here are a few pictures from the retreat last weekend.

For those of you who have seen the Trunk Monkey Commercials - We Were There!!!

Walking through the Museum you've got to keep your eyes out for ravenous monsters lurking around every corner.

Joseph even found one to ride, and we had some high-speed racing action there for a minute.

I walked into one room, and there was someone's pet Dino that had gotten loose.

Friday Morning/Early afternoon found us moving 160 yards of mulch into the islands in their main parking lot.

Oops... Was this Supposed to happen? No It Was NOT!

At one point during the morning the people in charge at AIG started getting optomistic that we could finish the first 70 yards of mulch by 2:00pm. Well, we had it all done by 11:30am, so they ordered another truck load of mulch while we were eating lunch. It came in, and as you can see, dumped the mulch in the less-common way. We were able to get the trailer empty, and the mulch distributed by mid afternoon.


Ken Ham gave a teaching to us on Friday Night. I even got to shake hands with him (or a picture of him).

Here is a picture of our group that was taken by Ken Ham himself, immediately following his address.

Wrestling was the activity of the evening. As you can see, there was some stiff competition between some of the participants. The next morning, many woke up even stiffer with bruised backs that were slowly seeping out clear... Maybe I won't mention the details. Needless to say, the ground was bumpy and hard, and the bruises didn't come in their sleep.

Some matches were so even, and SO LONG, that the spectators lost their interest.

Saturday some of the crew helped with the Irrigation Systems, and the Waterfall. Meanwhile, others helped staff the AIG Staff picnic. I got to Ref' a few volleyball games, including the one shown above that featured a "Big Ball" (this is a totally different game, even though the only difference is the ball).

Saturday night we enjoyed Pudgy Pies around the fire before we headed off to hit the hay.

Here's a picture of the whole crew. Over 75 guys!

You can read about the retreat from AIG's perspective at the AIG Museum Blog.
You can also watch a video there, that we are in.