Six Flags Great America!

September eighth found most of our family (Dad, Joseph, Joanna, Josiah and I) at Great America for their annual Homeschool Day. There were also a few of our friends from our church there. These included the Webb, Englund, VonHolten, and Carlson Family. Below are a few photos from the day.

The first ride of the day was Super Man! The lines are reputably long for this ride, so we hit it right away. I rode it with Aaron Englund who waited back with me in the line for the front row. Luke VonHolten, Dustin Webb, Anna VonHolten and Joanna Erber decided the wait was too long, and jumped the rope and headed for the back rows.

Next was Raging Bull! I only hit this one three times, but I got some pretty cool video footage on the last time. I might be able to post that later.

Throughout the day got my nerve up for the Giant Drop. This ride is just a tall pole that drops your bench about 250 feet free fall, and then grabs you for the last 50 feet. Aaron Englund was the one responsible for getting me to ride this.

Well, I didn't think I'd survive that ride, but I did. As a matter-of-fact I went three more times, and brought Mrs. Webb and Dad along two of the times.

Stay tuned as I'll try to get some video footage from Raging Bull up later.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, I remember those days: stomachs of steel. You probably ate in between those vertical drops, too. ;o)

And I'm thoroughly impressed that your dad and Mrs. Webb can still tolerate and enjoy those things.

Glad you all had fun!

Ryan Kelly said...

My first trip to Great America was with another homeschool family...the Neriuses! It was a birthday celebration and they asked me to go with them. Fun memories...I STILL remember American Eagle...

The VHS said...

That sure was fun.

Anonymous said...

Never been to Six flags, but I'v been to Sea world and they had good rides.

Unknown said...

Attn: RV Crew

I was recently told that the last picture looks like it has Wally Cleaver and Eddie Hascle in it.

I don't see any resemblance there, do you?



Anonymous said...

Wally yes, Eddie? I think it's Aaron's personality, more than his looks.

Anonymous said...

That was a lot of fun!!

Anonymous said...

So if Jonathan is Wally & Aaron is Eddie, is Luke Lumpy & Dusty Beaver?

Anonymous said...

2saints, I'm kinda imbarrest that my mom can tolerate the giant drop but I can't! Jonathan, is that Raging Bull video the one with me yelling?!?!

Anonymous said...

Luke is not either of these as far as I know. Dustin, is Dusty Beaver, and well, I know that Joshua does not look like lumpy, but his driving? So that makes me wonder if he just might be lumpy, after a good diet, and some hair coloring.

Unknown said...


You bet it's the one with you yelling! But I don't know if I'll be able to upload it in a size less than 10MB, because I don't have a Video Editing software with me right now, and also, my hosting service (a free one) only takes 2MB files max.

So I don't even know if I'll get it up.

We'll have to wait and see.
