Liberty Day Pictures!

Finally some Liberty Day Pictures. I don't feel like spending a lot of time describing the event, so if you want to know more about Liberty Day, click HERE to go to the Liberty Day Site.

Jacob Bernhardt and Daniel Ziesemer provided some excellent music during the program, as well as the Prelude and Postlude music.

We were delighted at the number of attendees who showed up in costumes.

The primary event of the evening was the re-enactment of the 2nd Virginia Convention.
In this picture, Col. William Riddick (Luke VonHolten) kneels in prayer at the opening of the convention.

Here Robert C. Nicholas (Mr. Strand) voices his opinion of opposition to the resolution presented my Mr. Henry.

Col. George Washington (myself): "I will raise at once a force of 1000 men, subsist them at my own expence, and march myself at their head, to the relief of Boston!"

Here Thomas Jefferson (Mr. Webb) declares that the acts of Parliament in closing up the port of Boston, are the acts of a foreign power, that should by all the means in our power, be resisted.

In this picture Edmund Pendleton (Aaron England) hopes that the country will proceed slowly, before rushing the country into war.

Patrick Henry (Joshua Erber): "are fleets and army's necessary to a work of Love, and Reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled that force must be called in to win back our love? Let us not I beseech you sirs' deceive ourselves longer! These are the implements or war and subjugation, the last arguments to which kings resort"!

This year we sang two songs, "The Faded Coat of Blue", and:

"Just Before the Battle Mother, I was Drinking Mountain Dew"

"I hear the bugle sounding mother,
My sould is eager for the fray,
I guess I'll hide behind some cover,
Then I hope I'll be Ok".

Closing the program, Dr. Paul Jehle gave an excellent dramatic presentation on the "Five Necessary Ingredients for The Transformation of a Culture".

After the program there were a series of Military Drills for some of the boys, and young men. Here Col. George Washington trains six fresh recruits.

In this picture the Merchant of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson, explains a few details to his six recruits.

After that there was dancing, refreshments, and fellowship. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of the dancing, but Mr. Wiese did an excellent job teaching the dances and keeping everyone together.

Altogether, it was a very enjoyable evening.

Hope to see you there next year!