Last Christmas, Dad gave me a gift certificate for a free introductory flight lesson. So just last Saturday we decided to head over to Dacy Airport (about two minutes from our house) and go up for a flight.

It was really great, we spent about an hour going over the plane to make sure that it was ready for flight. It usually doesn't take this long to do a pre-flight inspection, but she explained everything that she was looking for and what each part/sensor/device did.

After that was done we got into the plane, started the engine, checked all of the controls, and headed for the runway.

Should I take off without her???

Once we were off the runway she handed the controls over to me, and announced that "it's all yours"!
I think that she regretted that later... just kidding. After we were up to about 1700' we circled around, saw our house (we are the gray house in the trees just to the right of the pool), and then headed North East towards Lake Geneva. It was Saturday so the lake looked really neat covered with sailboats.

From there we went slightly more East to see the really cool corn maze that is pictured above, we circled around this and headed for home. Once we came into the last leg of the landing pattern and started heading in toward the runway, she took back most of the controls and we touched down just fine. After we had slowed down to about 30MPH she let me taxi back to the office. This was probably the hardest part because you steer with your feet by pushing the pedals back and forth, but you also break by tilting the pedals up and down. Needless to say, I couldn't taxi in a straight line. Over all, it was really a neat experience, and I hope I can get my own plane someday.