Air-Soft Training.

Here are some pictures from last Friday, when we played Air-Soft with four new Air-Soft guns that I just got in a trade. We decided to play a couple of rounds before dinner, to decide who were the cooks.

Fortunately (for everyone that ate dinner) I was on the winning team, and didn't have to cook.

The loosers (Joseph and Josiah) cooking dinner.

Josiah got lucky and went with Josh to Wal-Mart to get some more BB's.
This is also when Josh was scolded for letting Josiah cary the BB's.

The winning team relaxing...
Or rubbing in the win.

The mafia invading.
I couldn't find my sunglasses so I got a nice pair of goggles instead.

The dead waiting to be raised up.


Anonymous said...

very cool uniforms.

Nathan & Jeanine DeLadurantey said...

You guys are something else!


Hubers said...

Too funny.