The Huber Caffe'

"Fellowship Of The Spirit"

No, the last picture of Brandon was not a recent one. It was taken last November just after the SanAntonio Independant Christian Film Festival.

The picture shown above was taken last night as we sat around with the Hubers and enjoyed a few Frappuccinos, and lot's of good fellowship via Text Messaging and A.I.M. The Hubers really have a nice Caffe' set up here. Anyone who hasn't had the privilege of being here yet really needs to come. The internet is free, and the fellowship (and food) is great!

Thanks for the Frapps, Nikkae!


Justin Kelly said...

Yes, but the internet service is being provided by non-Cubs and non-Bears fans!

Doesn't this make you worry that Cubs fans who use their internet might intentionally be sent a virus designed to curb all of our loyal devotion? :D

Seriously, that is a GREAT picture! Gotta love all the laptops, and then just 1 cell phone on the end!

But I did notice that there aren't any kids running around with cutting boards in their mouths.....ROFL

Anonymous said...

Ok, tell me you weren't visiting *with each other* that way...right?

I never have understood the those internet cafe things. Besides, I don't see any food in the picture so what's the cafe part?

I'm feeling mighty old right about now.

Anonymous said...

Very cool, you all must have had alot of fun.

The Clerk said...

Dear Mrs. 2Saints,

Yes, it was a posed shot - a fun one. There were three laptops in the room, which inspired the pose. So, the fourth laptop was retrieved from the other room, and then the cell phones.

But, there were times during our visit that this picture wasn't too far from what was actually happening.

An anonymous Erberino