Albuquerque Update

Here's a few pictures from the conference today.

The Booth

On the campus of Calvary Church

An interview with a radio station. This guy was literally doing a talk show while walking down the hallways, pulling people aside to talk to them about homeschooling, and other related items.

Ahh, yes... Dinner!


Justin Kelly said...

I like "The Booth" picture. Notice how Josh is in the back looking very "studious" and "supervisory" while the others are working hard. :D

Unknown said...

Miss Grimes:

There was Andrew Pudewa, Mike Smith, Jeff Myers, and some others. I think those were the main ones. Oh, there was also Roger Erber and Joshua Erber.


That isn't all that un-common.
:) Just kidding.

It is somewhat remarkable however, that everyone is so hard at work, even when there's no customers! Simply amazing.